Getting Hodor to speak out against inferior screens
Only the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablet has a screen worthy of high quality entertainment. So if you’re watching entertainment on another device, those who create content (directors, actors etc) will be upset that you’re watching all their hard work on an inferior screen. 
To prove it, our online films had the actor from Game of Thrones famous for only saying one word, finally speaking up against inferior screens. 
Our online films used device-detecting technology so Hodor knew what personal device you were watching the spot on and had a tailored tantrum at you for watching such an epic production on such an un-epic screen.
Making the invisible issue of modern slavery visible
Modern slavery is everywhere. Yet the problem gets lost among all the other media we consume. So to make modern slavery a visible issue, Walk Free hijacked the content that was vying for people’s attention the most.
We targeted people with a message of modern slavery through the content they were already watching, by creating a series of films that mimicked the most popular content categories on social media. Our message was designed to seamlessly fit within viewers’ suggested feeds when they searched for their favourite content. Each video started as an influencer-led piece to camera ending with a sobering twist that highlighted the prevalence of slavery in our society. Once people had watched our films on YouTube, the algorithm would then begin suggesting more slavery-related videos based off their viewing history.
Using influencers to influence the un-influencable with the world’s most shameless sponsored posts
Gen Z consumes media and culture very differently. They’re a savvy audience with a distrust of the media. They use their phones primarily to beat boredom and prefer unexpected, ironic, sarcastic and relatable humour.
So how do we launch the
Samsung Galaxy A Series to Gen Z in a culturally relevant way? Well, knowing Gen Z were becoming desensitized to all the inauthentic sponsored posts by influencers, we launched our phone by poking fun at the whole idea of #SponsoredPosts, with the Galaxy A Series at the heart of everything.
Watch the full music video below
Solving one of the biggest problems facing hungry gamers
Red Rooster makes really good fried chicken, but many young people are still unaware of our offering. For us to capture a younger market, we needed to appear in places they frequent, and one of the most popular places is the gaming platform TWITCH.
So, we partnered with 12 gaming influencers and gave them a product innovation to solve the biggest issue gamers face... How can you eat and play games at the same time?
Our highly advanced solution was the ‘Cluck ’n Play’ fork attachment that gamers simply clip onto their controller, enabling them to both play and eat fried chicken without losing their trigger finger. We then did live streams on TWITCH where our influencers performed fun product demos, eating boxes of chicken with the ‘Cluck ’n Play’ controller and offering their followers special Fried Chicken deals at Red Rooster.
Celebrating the real heroes that keep community sport going
Suncorp are committed to supporting netball at every level, from Suncorp NetSetGO to Team Girls, the Confident Girls Foundation, right up to Suncorp Super Netball and the Australian national team, because we know that if we all commit to supporting women’s sport, more girls will achieve their dreams across Australia.
To promote their principal partnership with Netball Australia, we created a film that played during the 2021 Suncorp Super Netball season demonstrating how Suncorp are as committed to netball as all the players, their families and fans.
Launching a phone by hijacking Australia’s most iconic face
To help launch Samsung’s new Galaxy S9, we created an installation that demonstrated its new AR Emoji feature. Partnering with the Sydney Opera House and VIVID’s Festival of Light, we let people create their own AR Emoji, for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see it projected onto Australia’s most iconic face at Luna Park, LIVE.
Creating a tourism campaign that sold feelings, not destinations
2021 was a tough year to be a tourist destination. The year Australia really got locked in. You couldn’t travel internationally, domestically, or even to the next suburb. Lockdown had the mood of the nation down. People didn’t just want to travel again, they wanted to feel something again.
When borders finally opened, Destination New South Wales launched a tourism campaign that didn’t just sell destinations. It sold feelings. Every destination and experience was promoted by how it would make you feel.
Sharing power with the people when they need it most
We all know that feeling of anxiety we get when our phone is low on battery. Which is why the Samsung Galaxy S10 with PowerShare has a battery so powerful, you can share it. Our task was to promote the new feature in a relevant and engaging way.
Using tough tummies to sell milk for sensitive stomachs
We put our stomachs through a lot. They get landed on, hit, squeezed and squashed. But however tough our tummies may seem, sometimes it’s the sensitivity that can hold us back in our everyday lives.
a2 Milk comes from cows specially selected to naturally produce milk without the A1-protein, which can affect sensitive stomachs.
To relaunch the brand in Australia, we created a campaign that promotes a2 milk as the kinder milk to sensitive tummies.
Celebrating Australian Olympic athletes who defy barriers
Samsung was an official worldwide partner of the 2016 Rio Olympics, so we created a campaign that told the stories of competing athletes who were the embodiment of our brands’ mantra: Do What You Can’t
Helping families win the battle of breakfast
Breakfast is a battleground. Parents are fighting for healthy food, kids are fighting for tasty food, and sadly everyone loses.
Recognising this tension and our unique ability to solve it, we create an integrated campaign positioning Sultana Bran as the breakfast that enables both sides to win.
Our film execution used the format of a UN negotiation to bring this truth to life in an entertaining way.
Turning a distribution problem into a drinks promotion
In 2022, Bundaberg Rum brought a game-changing new liquid to market: Alcoholic Ginger Beer. Demand for this new drop was so high, Aussies were struggling to track it down and get their hands and lips on it.
Not the type to keep their disappointment or frustration to themselves, our Bundy fans came out in their hundreds on our social channels to express their disappointment.
To combat this we launched Bundy’s Big Shout, a nationwide promotion to reward our fans and encourage trial. Buy your first 4-pack of AGB and get your money back. And to show our most fervent fans we heard them, we responded to some select commentators and rewarded them with a special one-off delivery from Bundy R Bear himself – who to their surprise and delight hand paw-delivered a 4 pack direct to their door.
We then made it our mission to let every Aussie know there was a free 4 pack of Bundy Giner Beer waiting for them at their nearest bottle shop.
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