Helping Australians skip the Christmas shopping chaos

Everyone loves Christmas, but very few enjoy the the dreaded Christmas shop. We created a campaign that invited people to skip the Christmas chaos at large shopping centres and do their Christmas shopping at IGA instead.
Radio ad

Changing how people think of their local IGA

IGA is famous for being local, but some Australians still think that shopping local comes at a cost. The new campaign aims to dispel that myth and flip what local means on its head. Showcasing how you can’t beat local for range, ease and value.

Getting vapers to break free from the pull of their nicotine addiction

We launched an anti-vaping campaign to help vapers quit this insidious, all-consuming habit, motivating them to take control back from nicotine. Because, while you may not have chosen nicotine addiction, it’s already chosen you.

Using tough tummies to sell milk for sensitive stomachs
We put our stomachs through a lot. They get landed on, hit, squeezed and squashed. But however tough our tummies may seem, sometimes it’s the sensitivity that can hold us back in our everyday lives.
Because a2 Milk comes from cows specially selected to naturally produce milk without the A1-protein, which can affect sensitive stomachs, we created a campaign that promotes a2 as the kinder milk to sensitive tummies.